Cameos are another item I always try and keep an eye out for in op shops. Not just any cameo will do though, they can't be too lightweight or plastic looking and they have to be relatively nice looking (some can be a wea bit challenged in that area!). This is another of my Mum's little collections that I borrow from time to time.
I love these necklaces. Originally they were just pendants that we found chains for. My favourite is the one on the right. I found the stand in an op shop too; it's a cute little mini hat stand that I use to hang dainty necklaces on.
You may have seen these already from the
brooch collection, although the blue cameo is a new addition. I think they look so nice with the filigree borders.
Lastly are these little cameo earrings. This is the best photo I could get on my point-and-shoot but you get the idea. It would be great to find a little cameo ring next :)