What's this? No, your eyes are not deceiving you. Yes, this is a very belated blog post! My poor little blog has been a bit neglected of late with a couple exciting things going on. Not to fear; hopefully I'll get back into the swing of things soon.

I'm not sure if any of your read *bespoke* zine, but if you do you may have noticed a familiar little tidbit on page 37 of the current issue. If you don't, I'd encourage you to grab yourself a copy! *bespoke* is an Australian Zine filled with stories, features and tutorials on craft, vintage, art, photography and all things creatively inspired. How cute is the cover illustration by Rachael Smith of Penelope and Pip?

Now on to the exciting bit! I was really thrilled to have my Gran's handkerchief trophy from this post included as a cherish feature, along with a short sentimental spiel. So lovely to see something from my blog in print. Thankyou so much to the editor, Jess, for the feature! I bought a spare copy to give to my Gran :) You might also have noticed in the first photo that I found a nice glass dome to display the miniature books I'd collected. No sooner than a week after expressing my woes at not being able to find an affordable dome, one popped up at my local op shop for $1. It came with a heavy stone base which I think was used to display some kind of plant. Now's it living a second life as a perfectly sized display dome :)
And NOW, onto the Extra Exciting News. My partner and I moved into our first home together just over 2 months ago. We've been busy settling in and everything is finally starting to look nice and homey :) I'll give you a little photo tour once I've decorated a bit more. In the meantime, I finally have a room to set up my sewing machine and other bits and bobs so I thought I'd give you a little sneak peak!

And NOW, onto the Extra Exciting News. My partner and I moved into our first home together just over 2 months ago. We've been busy settling in and everything is finally starting to look nice and homey :) I'll give you a little photo tour once I've decorated a bit more. In the meantime, I finally have a room to set up my sewing machine and other bits and bobs so I thought I'd give you a little sneak peak!

This is a stack of old Reader's Digest books. I love the colourful patterned covers. I'm sure there's lots of crafty things you could do with these, will have to put my thinking cap on!

I've wanting to frame a couple posters from my Frankie magaziness for a while. I went to a picture framer's and they quoted $80 to frame one poster because they're an irregular size :| Then joy of joys I found these plain frames at Target for $9 (half price). I just trimmed a little bit off the poster and voila :)
Have you found any second hand treasures lately? I feel a bit out of the blogging loop so would love to know what you've all been up to! Any tips for a first time mover-out-of-home?
Have you found any second hand treasures lately? I feel a bit out of the blogging loop so would love to know what you've all been up to! Any tips for a first time mover-out-of-home?